Brand Protection Management
Comprehensive Monitoring and Protection for Your Company’s Brands
Protecting your company’s intellectual property (IP) is an ongoing process. Although there is a common misconception that registration with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or U.S. Copyright Office is the end game, the reality is that registering your trademarks and copyrights simply provides the tools you need to protect your brands against counterfeiting, infringement and unfair competition.
Protecting Your Company’s Brands on a Global Scale
In today’s marketplace, brand protection involves efforts on a global scale. From monitoring for competing registration applications in the United States and abroad to working with U.S. Customs and Border Protection to seize counterfeit goods at the border, making sure you maintain control of your company’s reputation is more challenging than ever.
At Peretz Chesal & Herrmann, P.L., we simplify brand protection for our clients by managing the entire process for them. Whether your portfolio consists of one trademark or one hundred, and whether you operate a retail chain that relies on distinctive trade dress or you sell your products and services online, we can help make sure your company’s brands are secure. We customize our brand protection management services to the scope of each client’s need, and we execute comprehensive monitoring programs designed to ensure that issues get resolved before they get out of hand.
Trademark Protection Management
Trademarks can face threats on a variety of levels. We monitor our clients’ trademarks registered with the USPTO and other trademark offices worldwide to ensure that competing registration applications do not present threats to our clients’ exclusive rights, and we also monitor our clients’ marks online for any infringing, defamatory and other improper uses. In appropriate circumstances, we also monitor for counterfeit goods in the U.S. and abroad.
In addition, we monitor domain name registrations, company name and “doing business as” registrations at the state and provincial levels; and, when necessary, we can keep tabs on individual competitors who have a history of making improper use of other company’s brands.
Trade Dress Protection Management
Trade dress protection ensures that retail outlet design and product packaging design serve as clear “indicia” of the source or origin of your company’s products and services. Trade dress counterfeiting and infringement can lead to significant consumer confusion, and this can lead to loss of revenue due to unfair competition as well as harm to your company’s reputation.
Copyright Protection Management
Copyright protection management is similar to trademark and trade dress protection management in many respects, but it presents some unique challenges and considerations as well. Our services for copyright holders include online and brick-and-mortar monitoring, Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) enforcement, cease-and-desist actions, and other protection measures.
Discuss Your Company’s Needs in Confidence
If you would like to discuss implementing an ongoing protection strategy for your company’s valuable brands, we encourage you to get in touch. To speak with one of our intellectual property lawyers in confidence, please call our Miami, FL law offices at 305-341-3000 or inquire online today.